Saturday, December 27, 2008

Speedee Mark

Check this link for amazing speed painter and animation

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Interesting events with numbers!!

1.I was withdrawing the money Rs1200
at ATM and checking the amount,
at the last rupee some one wrote as Rs 1200/- !!

2.My grandpa died on 06-07-08 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3.past two days I wake up at early morning and checked
cell to see" what time is it?" both the days,it was 03:04 am!!!!!!!!

4. our DaraniKarthy's date of Birth is 12-12-07

5.I and Satya ,my close friend were not in touch for almost
five years and last week when I was clearing out my hotmails
I found the mail id of him and immediately sent a mail to conform
and I got a reply at next seconds and later he was telling me
that he too was doing the some thing at the same day
same moment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6.And many numbers and names generally i don't try keep in my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its time to do some great stuff with Vue7Pioneer just downloaded

These VueS goes to.....

These following images are dedicated to Deepak
and his family

thank you Deepak,Vidya and little angel Nuthana-:)

Old but very useful

Some of my photos at Flickr at 1k res.
and site has huge collection for download
to the rest of the our life-:)

this one is very useful for cg artist
neatly placed packs to download freely
upto limited 15mb/24hrs.

and the one more link

cool softwares

For cool (and warm) people who want
to create their own world with there
own taste (little difficult to achieve the
same!! at least for me) almost all available
tool in our planet!!

and above images byVue6 PLE.
almost all the major tools have these kind of versions
to try,feel like living at the right digital age creations-:)

Small wonder

Check this link for some fantastic works
from small team!!

very interesting and consistent efforts and really word working team.
(18 film works in 2.5 years time)

Advanced heartfull happy new year wishes to all

Little busy with (Vfx) film works would like to post
and share some more thing which am learning,SOON-:)

Any how here is my Studs Superman Version!!

Looks like he himself become superman,good thinking
and good attempt.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Character Design

sorry,I have no time to render these at the moment

WIP : Mattepainting


My student's work:Mogan

Some WIPs of Mogan attempts,very hard working ,
quick learner and good student.

Lot of Diamonds!!

I feel combustion is one among a cheap and best tool
for post production and got very good keyers too!!

Upcoming artist : Vijay

Very hardworking and very casual Gem

I think probably very old attempts and sort of stuck into Digital Art!!
I know is working lot,improved lot and will bounce back soon.

Let us Wish him all the best.

Another friend of mine

Equally good in art and living and one among a few good friend

Once again all the best for all your attempts Amar.........................

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hi..... check this link

My dear friend ,artist,animator and director.
very creative,hard worker,very straight forward and good human.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Posing & Rendering

Finally(stage01) got into Mentalray-SSS
feel bit happy with my attempts-:)

The great facial rig & textures from Mr.Jason Osipa,
Stop Staring: Facial Modeling and Animation,wonderful guide
for modeling,rigging and for animation
and I just focus more at Posing & Rendering.
(check out some interesting links
for Mentalray stuffs in the last post)


with basic lighting(3point:Key,Fill & back light)

B.Maya-MentalRay,FG but no AO(amb.Occ)
with basic lighting(3point:Key,Fill & back light)

C.Maya-MentalRay,FG but no AO(amb.Occ)
with basic lighting(3point:Key,Fill & back light) + more tweaking.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Translucent Nature

Originally uploaded by mmuralirajan

Translucence Property:Simulates the way light diffusely penetrates through translucent objects. This means that when light shines on one side of the object, the other side is partially illuminated. This can be used for effects such as clouds, fur, hair, marble, jade, wax, paper, leaves, etc.
Nature is the TRUE creator and we 3D artists
are trying to be good at our attempts to create close to the truth(Nature).
In Maya or any 3D package we can achieve this translucence results with light(placement is impotent) and shader properties.

Drawing:Sea Sings

Originally uploaded by mmuralirajan
When I was teen.....

Friday, October 10, 2008

Wanna get caught into MentalRays....

It is very much necessary to have strong hand with
Mental Ray or V Ray to get involved with Realistic outputs
in CG particularly forVfx projects.There are so many links
on the net but these links are
very useful to spend time to improve lot


hope this links will help you lot Mr.Josh-:)

Sculpting In Maya

I started with rough blocking(after some
sketching Session ( anatomy study))
Smoothenmesh once and add some more details
and repeated the some procedures
for two more times got result without going
to Zbrush or Mudbox!!

OK!!Its is another simple attempt to push the Maya
and the hardware to some more level to enjoy :)
without arguments the Zbrush and Mudbox
are better thanany other 3D Tools and
my favorite one Mudbox.

and the shader is Blinn with samplerInfo

Looking for Mesh files or Scene files to test and improve your Rendering Skills?

Lighting Challenge scene are free
for any artist to download and light.
Use whatever 3D software you want
to light and render the scene.

Maya Mental Ray Lighting Shading Rendering 02

has some more problems with glass shadow and left it because
I am focusing more on lighting :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Pretty and handsome Lights

These few stills are lit by Maya native lights
(nowadays this is become traditional lights
because of the plug ins)

used raytraced shadows and we can see the raytraced
results interactively with mental ray IPR !!! and back
to Maya's native renderer to render the final result.

and see u soon

Get caught into MentalRays....

OOoo my God I can't go away from the colors
thank God
for the eyes and wonderful creations

1.dgs shader is very good for all the metallic surface finish
but got to go very hard with bump!!
(as it's own photon shader for better caustics)

2.dielectric shader is too good for solid but transparent and
semi transparent again bump mapping requires some
extra efforts !!
(as it's own photon shader for better caustics)

3.dOf and round corner are supporting well to get some better results paint phen.and even this one too needs the efforts (little)to get bump!!

all those images took arnd.14mnts to render (512\512)
after optimization.

Here is the pFx and raytraced output work little more to
save render time when ever possible,but can't match on
some areas with MR.

(can get better result with layer render plus post production)
and the journey continues..................................................................................

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Medical Animation

stills from Medical Animation

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Foot Switch

Medical Animation - Project
(portion of it)

CG works - Sun Moon

completely done by using Maya(only)


Last one week I was little busy with rigging Again!!(:(no escape)
really tough job(i have to like it,any how)
and this is one among the chrt.under development.