Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Learning Maya

First attempt in maya with nurBs and fur(2000)

and few tips based on this work
* If we are using poly take care on good UVs

* We can have sep.UV set only for fur

*Bake the properties to render faster-general

*Maintain the caches properly-general

* Play with translucence for the final look

* Use the artisan tools as much as possible

and this one is the first attempt with subD(2000)

*from Alais Maya 4 to Autodesk 2009
the only changes with subD are
calculation on this tool and rendering
speed is very much improved .

*very much shoots for chtr.but widely
used for sets and porps modeling

*Resolution independent like nurBs

*Has sculpting support but turned the
vertex visibility and paint on it!!!!!!

*Use soft modication tool for quicker result

* Use the poly uv tool -subD not good

we used at one commercial to get the
clay surface finish

nice to remember and very good to share
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