Saturday, December 27, 2008

Speedee Mark

Check this link for amazing speed painter and animation

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Interesting events with numbers!!

1.I was withdrawing the money Rs1200
at ATM and checking the amount,
at the last rupee some one wrote as Rs 1200/- !!

2.My grandpa died on 06-07-08 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3.past two days I wake up at early morning and checked
cell to see" what time is it?" both the days,it was 03:04 am!!!!!!!!

4. our DaraniKarthy's date of Birth is 12-12-07

5.I and Satya ,my close friend were not in touch for almost
five years and last week when I was clearing out my hotmails
I found the mail id of him and immediately sent a mail to conform
and I got a reply at next seconds and later he was telling me
that he too was doing the some thing at the same day
same moment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6.And many numbers and names generally i don't try keep in my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its time to do some great stuff with Vue7Pioneer just downloaded

These VueS goes to.....

These following images are dedicated to Deepak
and his family

thank you Deepak,Vidya and little angel Nuthana-:)

Old but very useful

Some of my photos at Flickr at 1k res.
and site has huge collection for download
to the rest of the our life-:)

this one is very useful for cg artist
neatly placed packs to download freely
upto limited 15mb/24hrs.

and the one more link

cool softwares

For cool (and warm) people who want
to create their own world with there
own taste (little difficult to achieve the
same!! at least for me) almost all available
tool in our planet!!

and above images byVue6 PLE.
almost all the major tools have these kind of versions
to try,feel like living at the right digital age creations-:)

Small wonder

Check this link for some fantastic works
from small team!!

very interesting and consistent efforts and really word working team.
(18 film works in 2.5 years time)

Advanced heartfull happy new year wishes to all

Little busy with (Vfx) film works would like to post
and share some more thing which am learning,SOON-:)

Any how here is my Studs Superman Version!!

Looks like he himself become superman,good thinking
and good attempt.